Saturday, September 26, 2009

Perfectly Imperfect

Warning: This clip involves a funeral and is a bit emotional.

I posted this on Facebook as well so some of my loyal readership probably saw this there but this too good not to post here.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Girls Day Out - Niagara Falls Trip

We Gurnee girls were so excited to find out that the Mayhle Girls were coming for a visit! We headed to Niagara Falls for a short vacation. Here's some pics of our outing.

Monday, September 21, 2009

More Tractor Pull Pictures

Here are a few more pictures from the tractor pull. They are not in any order of any kind. Just ones I like.

I love the facial expressions of Vincent.

This is probably my favorite pic of the day.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

So Proud of My Kids!!

I will have more pics in a bit (I have to get them off of a different computer) but for now here is what Byron posted on his blog.....

A proud Daddy with his two champions. Kendra won 1st place out of all of the 5 year olds and ended up with a trophy. Alyssa won 2nd place in the 4 year olds and she ended up with a big of oabout tractors.. Kenton tried hard for 5 years for that trophy and only managed to get 5th place every year. I think the girls did awesome!
Chatting with Jim Shumake, fellow electrician and friend.

With her prize.

Each one of the kids did a full pull and had to recompete.

Presentation of her trophy and pictures.

With her trophy and a proud Daddy.

With Vincent

After his full pull we had to head for a funeral, so Papa Gurnee stood in with him. Here they discuss strategy and method.

Vince finished 6th.

The Shack

Wow... where to start.

As with the rest of you, I've heard so much regarding the popular book, "The Shack" written by William Young. I had heard the whole spectrum of reviews. Those whom I highly respect their spiritual wisdom, advice, etc. I heard everything from, "Wow! What an awesome book!", to "What sacrilege!" I decided that I should simply find out for myself what the book was all about. Probably the best way to describe my opinion of the book is, "Wow". Seriously I truly don't know how to adequately describe what I thought of the book. The author did a fantastic job of writing a FICTIONAL riveting story. The story is entirely fictional. From beginning to end. Mr. Young was never intending to make his readers belive that he or any other person ever met in a shack with The Trinity.

Once I started reading this book I had a hard time putting it down. I found myself in tears through alot of it. It created in me such a deep intense longing to have a closer relationship with my Heavenly Father.

I had originally intended to write a lengthy post defending all the negative responses I've heard from some about the book but I decided that truly it doesn't matter. I will most likely not be able to change someone's negative opinion about the book just like no one will be able to make me change my positive opinion.

Next to the Bible I have never read anything that has stirred me so deeply as this book has. I am not naive enough to embrace every single aspect of the book but overall, the book stirred me, changed me and truly challenged me to grow closer to my Heavenly Father.

I found the author's blog and if you click on this link: you will read an entry he wrote that I found to be fascinating.