Saturday, May 9, 2009

Friday Lesson

Today Byron and the kids went to a neighbors house and picked out 6 adorable baby chicks. They were days old at the time. The only little guy completely stole my heart and I started carrying him everywhere. He would get very agitated if I wasn't completely still. As I walked, he'd squeak loudly. Immediately God started teaching me a lesson.

How very much like me!! My heavenly Father confidently carries me in His hand. Even though I may squawk and fuss and worry and fret, He will never drop me or allow harm to come to me. However, just like I would walk around and the ride became bumpy and a bit tumultuous for the little guy, the same happens to me as i am in my heavenly Father's hands. Even though the path that he's carrying me on may be bumpy and rough, He still has me in His strong protecting hands.

Maybe I'm the only one that speaks to but it was such a powerful object lesson for me.


Dwight Donahey said...

That's a great lesson that I think we all need sometimes! Thank You!

Anonymous said... sweet and true...I wonder why we never seem to learn this lesson?...I guess its because there are always new bumps in the road. Hey, let me know those dates!
Have a great Sunday=)
