Today has been a very sad day for me. I feel betrayed by my own country. But, nevertheless, today history was made. Time will tell just what kind of history. I'll be honest, while I watched today, I felt a great sense of loss and of sadness. I am finding myself struggling with keeping a Christian attitude so I must really try to move on. As I sat down to the computer this evening I read
Dave Keep's blog. His post was excellent and I want to share it here.....
Inauguration 2009Posted on January 20, 2009 by davesr
Are you watching the Inauguration? It’s pretty amazing for a number of reasons.
One, it’s the United States of America and the majesty and power of this Nation is on display.
Two, the peaceful transfer of power is still something significant for which we should be extremely grateful.
Three, the incoming President is one the American people have chosen, and this particular inauguration demonstrates that ANYONE, no matter their race or background, can become President of the United States.
Four, so much American history–good, bad and indifferent–is represented in the people (particularly the former leaders) attending this event.
But then, here are a couple of different thoughts:
There is a kind of ‘mania’ with Obama that, in my view, borders on insanity. I have great respect for the Office of the President, but this is going beyond that. The Television announcer “got a chill” when Obama came out of the White House and got into the Presidential Limo. I’m seeing more fanatacism than patriotism. We’ll see where that goes.
I see where we have been as opposed to where we are going. (You may interpret that sentence however you wish).
To hear Rick Warren’s prayer “in the name of the one who changed my life…Jesus, who taught us to prayer ‘Our Father who art in Heaven…Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done,’” gives me great hope. For it is only as God continues to bless our nation that we have any measure of hope for the future.
Finally, the new President’s speech reminds me of the difference between words and actions, between what is said with one’s head, but not out of one’s heart. What is it that John said, “let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.”
So, as this historic day comes to an end I say, "God bless America and please please forgive us for what we've just done."