Friday, January 23, 2009

True Freedom of Choice

I just saw this on the blog of Julie McCall French. I hope she doesn't mind if I use it. It said just what I've been thinking this week surrounding the Pro-life march in DC, our new President's very anti life agenda, etc.


I could have more time,
more house,
more room.
but I choose you.

I could have more money,
more things,
more dinners out…
I choose you.

I could have more me-time,
more sleep,
more freedom;
I choose you.

I could have less mess,
less cooking,
less laundry;
I choose you.

I could have less school,
less PBS,
less PB and J;
I choose you.

But because of you,
I have MORE.
More love,
more memories,
more smiles,
more delight,
more tenderness,
more patience,
more joy,
more faith.

I have no doubt it is a good choice.

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