Monday, February 15, 2010

The Cousins Visit!!

Its been awhile but my nieces (aka, "The Cousins") visited this weekend and we had a blast!! However, since I was so busy sitting around eating bon bons and reading my novels whilst (I love that word) the 6 tiny people ransacked my house I managed to only take a couple pics - all of which were posed. Well, as you will see, they were an ATTEMPT at posing the 6 angelic munchkins. If you'll look very closely you will see that the halo's are all barely visible. :-) (Just kidding). I was hoping for a frame-able - very nearly perfect pic of a group of adorable children but despite the fact that I kept saying, "Ok, kids!! enough goofing around!! Let's have a good pic now!".... this was what happened.....

1 comment:

Shaun said...

You guys have adorable kids! I couldn't help but notice that your oldest was very photogenic in each picture. Reminds me of my first born! lol (Chandler can be and often is very silly but usually for pictures is pretty serious!)