Sunday, November 25, 2007

So Now You Know

This morning as I entered the church Alyssa (almost 3) ran up to me and took my hand and excitedly led me into a room of our church that is combination storage/secretary's office. It has an old closet that is never used anymore. Probably hasn't even been opened for several years. Alyssa led me over to it and said, "Shhhhhhhh Mommy!"

Me: "Why do I need to be quiet Alyssa?"

Alyssa: "Because GOD is in there!!"

So now you know... here is where God is....

On a much more serious note: I do hope that we don't confine God to a "closet". However, I'm afraid that is exactly what some people do.

1 comment:

The Pastor of a Small Rural Church said...

My office door is just to the right of that. I just wanted to go over and get in that closet.
