Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Why do we wait til Thanksgiving to make a concerted effort to give thanks? As of today, I plan to spend a bit of extra time each Thursday to be thankful. I hope I can be thankful EVERYDAY but on Thursday I will post my thanks.

Today I want to thank the Lord for my children. Yes, the ones who spilt milk all over my newly mopped kitchen floor....

Yes, the ones who just cut each other's hair.....

Even the ones who just cut up an entire book of checks.......

And, amazingly enough, even the dear one who is "feeling his oats" (the teachers words, not mine) at school....... (sigh)

I just dearly love my little hooligans. They bring so much laughter and joy into my life and I don't know what I'd do without them.

Thank you Lord for Kenton, Vincent, Kendra and Alyssa!


tacomom said...

I started a Blessing Blog just for this very thing :) But I like your idea of doing it every Thursday on your main blog. Neat!

Angie said...

I like your idea, it's so true, why do we get in our head we have to wait til Thanks-giving to be thankful?! Children are so precious, and I was just reminded again, how precious they all are to me Wed. night!
I understand the "filling the oats" concept. My oldest little boy, Matthew is doing the same thing!

Angie said...

Julie, I like your idea! I was just reminded Wed. night how precious my babies are to me. Though, my oldest son has been filling his oats lately too!

Lisa said...

After reading Copelands blog it made me even more thankful for healthy kids. I like your idea of Thankful Thursday.