Thursday, September 6, 2007

What are our kids missing?!!!

As I was tucking Vincent in tonight he said to me:


I said, "What Vincent?"

Him: "Mrs. Herl has this REALLY cool thing in her room that plays BIG, HUGE CD's!!! It's awesome!"

Hmmmm....... I not sure which I should be more concerned about

1. That his dear teacher still utilizes technology that was gone shortly after I was born


2. That my dear child has no idea what a record is!!! LOL


sankey family said...

That's hilarious!

Rachel said...

Cute! kids are too big to come up with those cute things. My baby is 11 now! Enjoyed your entries...enjoy Agora!

Rachel said...

Cute! My kids are too old to come up with those cute things...sigh. Enjoyed your other entries, too!