Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Deep Theological Discussions

I just finished rocking Alyssa. She was laying there and I asked her if she loved Jesus. We discussed this for a bit then I told her that when she is naughty it makes Jesus cry.She then said, "Jesus has holes in his hands mommy". So I discussed all that with her and answered all her "whys" about it.
She laid there and appeared to be thinking about it all. She then opened her eyes and looked up at me and said, "Mommy, does Jesus have a belly button?"
*sigh* Do you think she'll remember the rest of discussion? At least I tried!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Carving Pumpkins

Tonight the kids worked on their pumpkins.... here's the results....

Happy Birthday Kendra!!

Today Kendra turns 4!!!


2 Months

6 weeks - dedication picture

First Birthday

2nd Birthday

3rd Birthday

4th Birthday

Frankfort Covenant Academy

The boys got to attend Frankfort Christian Academy on Thursday while we were at Youth Challenge. They both enjoyed themselves alot!!

Thanks Aunt Shandra!

My sister Shandra kept the girls from Tuesday-Friday while we were in Indiana. They keep asking me when they are going to go back! Here are some pics of them with their cousins.

Monday, October 29, 2007


We just returned from Indiana. We had the WONDERFUL privilege of attending Youth Challenge '07. I have so many things I would LIKE to say but I really can't put into words how I feel about YC.

As I sat there among 1000+ teens, I thought to myself, "who says kids nowadays have no interest in spiritual things?!" The services were phenomenal. My personal favorite was on Thursday night when Rob Deas spoke about God leading us with His eye. It was a sermon like none I've ever heard. I was moved in an incredible way. I think I cried almost the entire sermon. I don't know that I've ever felt God's touch on me in such a powerful way as I was listening to that sermon. Then he concluded his message with the song "I Surrender All" with the kids following his eye and playing their handbell as he guided them, it was a truly "awesome" moment. The Lord's presence was so real I almost expected to open my eyes and see Jesus Himself standing in the flesh beside me. I count it an HONOR to have been there and feel so very very BLESSED to have been able to experience God's presence in such a real tangible way.

I left Youth Challenge wishing deeply that Youth Challenge had been around when I was a teen. I honestly feel that every holiness teen should be required to attend Youth Challenge.

And, to the Youth Challenge Board: You all are doing a wonderful job of keeping the events relevant to teens yet focused on holiness. There is an awesome balance of fun and seriousness. Thank you for not attempting to make teens worship like adults. Thank you for addressing real life issues in ways that teens can understand and relate to. Thank you for all the hard work you all do to lay the ground work for a wonderful event in which God can come, move and transform young lives.

Although I am not a teenager, I can honestly say that I was incredibly impacted by this year's event. It has been a very long time since I sat in a service and felt God's presence so tangibly.

To you parents reading this: SEND YOUR TEENS TO YOUTH CHALLENGE '08!! It is worth every dollar. I honestly feel that if my generation had attended a "Youth Challenge" history would have been written a bit differently.

Also, it was WONDERFUL to see some of our Pell City Friends!! It was good to talk to you all again!!!!

We were at Youth Challenge this year with 3 of our district teens - Andy Crouch, Becky Grate & Rachel Grate. The theme of this year's Event was "What If". Some of the session titles were: "What if I Wait?" "What if I let go?" "What if I get to the top?" "What if I take a risk?" "What if I don't tell?" Here is some pics:

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Gurnee's Visit the Cooper's!!

We left this past Tuesday and travelled to Frankfort, Indiana to visit our friends, Jerry & Janiece Cooper and their kids. We had a WONDERFUL time. Janiece is a fantastic hostess and they just made us feel so at home!! They also were so kind as to keep our boys while we went to Youth Challenge. It is so refreshing and a real privilege to have such kind and special friends. Thanks Jerry & Janiece!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Mighty Hunter Strikes Again

Another unsuspecting opposum trespassed into Jerry Cooper's barn were it was not welcome so Kenton had to take care of it!

Monday, October 22, 2007

9 + 1 = 10!!

Tonight Kenton and Byron went hunting at Byron's parent's place. Kenton shot #10!!

The Mighty Hunter Strikes Again

Today Kenton and Byron went out squirrel hunting. AFter several attempts (over a period of several days) of tracking down squirrels and finding none, today was successful!! Kenton shot his first one this season. This makes a total of 9 squirrels he has shot in his young hunting career.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Dr. Yate's Gets a "new" Office

This past week Byron and his dad helped give Jonathan Yate's office a facelift. Here are the pics...

Pumpkin Object Lesson

Byron has a yearly tradition of carving a pumpkin during the morning worship service sometime during the "Halloween" season. He does the carving while giving an object lesson of how God can clean out our yucky insides (sin) and leave His light inside of us so that we can shine for Him in our dark world. That is an overly (very) simplistic summary but suffice it to say that everyone loves it and it is usally requested each year. Here are a couple pictures of the process.

Byron had someone shut off the lights in the church and he lit the candle inside the pumpkin. It was really neat!!!

Youth Challenge - Here We Come!!

We will be leaving this week for Youth Challenge! We are so excited to get to see some friends we only get to see occasionally! Anyways... if you think of those of us traveling and of all the young people who will be there, please pray for us. For more information go to Hope to see you there!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Fields are Ripe For Harvest

Click on the picture for a larger view.