Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A Stitch in Time (or 5 stitches)

First of all, thanks to my Mother-in-law and Father-in-law for loaning us their digital camera for a major family event that occurred today - unplanned and unexpected!!! (see, I knew I'd need my camera!!)

This afternoon, Kenton (our 7 yr old) and his siblings were playing hide and seek. Kenton attempted to leap over a pile of lumber and had a mid air collision with a metal piece that was sticking off of our generator resulting in a 2 in gash in his knee. The gash required a flying trip to the ER (which is 30 min away) at which time the kind doctor (who was not at all enthused at our picture taking) administered lydocaine (I think that is the medical word) and sealed up the nasty gash with 5 stitches.

The irony of it all was that about an hour before this accident occurred, Kenton had been telling his brother that at his doctor's visit tomorrow he would be getting shots in his eyes, his head, his seat, his belly, etc. He had his little brother fairly petrified of tomorrow's check-up.
Hmmmm....... perhaps he learned a lesson? LOL
Waiting anxiously!

His 2" gash

Getting the needle

5 Stitches

Done, Stickers On, and Ready for a McD's Vanilla Milkshake


Anonymous said...

Poor Kenton. I hope he heals quickly. This isn't the weather for itchy stitches.

Candi said...

Oh my....that is a nasty gash!!
I had to have two stitches in my chin when I was his age and I carried on like I was in pain, too. The worst thing was having that sheet over my head with only my chin sticking out!!!

I hope it heals quickly...and yes, perhaps he learned his lesson!!

sankey family said...

Oh how awful! Poor little guy!

Hopefully everything heals quickly.


Anonymous said...

Tell Kenton we are so sorry for him. I hope it heals nicely, but a boy likes to have a nice scar to show off! It is neat to read your news. Maybe one of these days I will figure out how to do one of these blogs!