Monday, August 27, 2007

Discipleship Class

Sunday was a special day for several people in our church. Byron has been having a "Discipleship Class" for the last year. There were quite a few who attended off and on but there were 6 who were faithful to attend each Sunday and to complete their homework. Throughouth the past 12 months they have read, studied and thoroughly discussed the following books: "I Believe", "Holiness for Ordinary People" and "Disciplines for Ordinary People". The first book is put out by GBS and the last two are written by Keith Drury. The class was to move on after completing this course but they all voted yesterday to continue in the Discipleship class.

1 comment:

Keith Drury said...

What more could you ask for? True discipleship is not a course--it is a lifestyle...and your students seem to have caught that idea! Kudoes!