Tuesday, January 29, 2008

She's Running Away

My 3 yr old just informed me that she is going to run away. What awful thing did I make her do to elicit such a response? I peeled an orange for her then told her she had to stay in the kitchen to eat it. She argued with me and I told her that if she left the kitchen with it she would be disciplined. She then said, "fine. I'll just run away." I told her I'd go pack her bag. She just looked at me like I was crazy. I explained that at night it would get cold and dark and she would be scared. She quickly although somewhat reluctantly changed her mind.


Michelle said...

Don't you love the reverse psychology they try? I made Ashlee clean up a tub of toys by herself once as I knew that she was the one who dumped it because I saw her. She got upset and tried to hurt my feelings by saying she didn't want to live here anymore. I said, "Okay, I'll find you a new mommy". Boy, the tears that came when I said that! She said "I didn't mean it, I want to stay with you". I told her she needs to learn not to say something she really doesn't mean. So she got 2 lessons in life....

Mamabear said...

Aw,,poor little girl, how could you be so cruel??? :-D ..and now your going to leave her for a WEKK!! ..and 4000 miles away! LOL (I can tease now, tickets are bought, you can't back out now!!!)

The Pastor of a Small Rural Church said...

I can send someone else with Byron!!! LOL