Thursday, January 31, 2008

We can't give up!

I'm hearing alot of Conservative Holiness People saying things like, "the conservative talk show host ________ (you fill in the blank) says that Huckabee doesn't stand a chance." or "If you vote for Huckabee you are throwing away your vote." Well, one preacher told his church recently, that he believes that if anyone votes for a candidate who supports abortion, that the person who voted for him will also be held accountable for the abortions done while he's in office. That's something to think about.. It's an interesting thought. Not one that I've thought of before. You may agree with that or may not. However, at this point, I believe, conservative Christians have only one clear option. Here's yet another clip that again demonstrates why I will be voting for Huckabee.


Jon Earls said...

I agree 100%!

tim said...

Preach it sister! I certainly agree with the pro-life only vote...any Republican who accepts the nomination should sign a pro-life pledge and be fired immediately should he ever depart from it. As a party I believe we can and should hold their feet to the fire on this most important issue. Best to vote for one we can trust, with an established position and a record to support it.