Thursday, January 31, 2008

Blogger Malfunction?

Is anyone who uses blogspot having issues with their blog? All my right column contents is now at the bottom of my page. I've switched templates several times and it shows on the "dashboard" as being just fine but when I view it, it is NOT fine. Anyone besides me having problems?

Update!! My dear friend Candi fixed it for me!! Thank you SO much, Candi!!


Shandra said...

That's weird...mine is okay!

Candi said...

You're very welcome, Julie!!

Samantha said...

yup, i use IE and it has never messed up....must be like candi said, the browers.

tacomom said...

I have been having issues with all the stuff on the side bar disappearing except our picture and my Huckabee quote and banner. Weird!