Sunday, April 20, 2008

It's been a fun (and expensive) week!

We left for IHC (Interdenominational Holiness Convention) at noon on Wednesday. If gas prices were not killing us, I'd actually love to travel. Which, incidentally, we are currently paying more per month for gas than we are for groceries.

But, I digress..... The kids are starting to be allot of fun while traveling and we even made it from home to Dayton, OH (5+ hours) with no potty or food breaks!!! I was very proud of my munchkins.

We arrived at our hotel with enough time to check in, change into church clothes and get to the evening service. You can read about our hotel on Byron's blog. In a valiant effort to pinch pennys and save money, I managed (on the recommendation of a friend) to book a very nasty room in a very low budget hotel. It was NOT a memorable experience. It did, however, provide allot of opportunity to teach the kids that someday they may be called to a third world country where their accommodations may not be up to par with what they are accustomed to. Not sure if the lesson sunk in but, we tried.

It was a blessing to be at IHC and I greatly enjoyed Rev. Kauffman's sermon on Thursday AM. Rev. Stetlers sermon on Wednesday night was very good as well, however, as the saying goes, "the mind can only absorb what the seat can endure" and after an hour I kinda zoned out. Especially considering the fact that I had sat in the van for 5 hours then had sat there in the bleachers from 6:00. So, by 8:30 the kids and I were ready to evacuate the premises. By 9:30 when he finally dismissed we were pretty much ready to yell, "FIRE!" in an effort to get out of there in a more timely fashion. :-)

Thursday we left and headed for Zanesville, OH. For those of you who don't know, Byron was assistant pastor there a few years ago so we figured that we may as well stop on our way back home to see some of our friends whom we hadn't seen for a long time. The following pics are from those visits. We had a lovely time fellowshipping with everyone and made some very happy memories. We are so very blessed to have faithful friends who love us for who we are.

Sr. Geary & Alyssa chillin out.

Bro. Geary and the kids

Bro. Geary

Joey McHugh and the McCreery twins.

Sr. Geary, Carolyn & Abby McHugh

Carol Geary & Julie solving the world's problems

Rachel McCreery (the Coshocton Church's pastor's wife)

Unfortunately, the best picture we got of both Ben & Carolyn. Sometimes I think we need a list of pictures that need to be taken so that none get forgotten. UGH!!

Bro. Hartley. It was so sad to be there without Sr. Hartly to greet us. Be praying for Bro. Hartley. If we miss her this much I can only imagaine how much he must miss her.

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