Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Don't Count Your Delegates Before They're Hatched

The following is a lengthy but EXCELLENT article by Janet Folger:

Don't count your delegates before they're hatched
Posted: February 26, 2008
1:00 am Eastern
© 2008

Don't count your delegates before they're hatched.

Let me tell you why the race for the Republican nomination is not over yet. Notwithstanding Saturday Night Live skits and political pundits, Gov. Mike Huckabee doesn't need to reach 1,191 delegates to win the nomination – all he has to do is keep John McCain from doing so. And that may have just gotten easier.

A Huckabee nomination isn't so "mathematically impossible" when you consider that he may be the only one who can spend any money in the race from here on out. Highlights from a Friday Washington Post article explain:

• McCain cannot spend without risking violating the Federal Election Commission matching grant rules (he helped create). The limit is $54 million (until the convention in September), and he's "already spent $49 million."

• He can't get out of the matching grant program because there isn't an FEC quorum to vote on it.

• Knowingly violating the spending limit is a criminal offense that could put McCain at risk of stiff fines and up to five years in prison.

Don't you hate it when your ideas come back to bite you? Maybe now he's starting to understand that government regulations that stifle free speech are a bad idea. Maybe this personal lesson could turn McCain around on his McCain-Feingold gag rule, too.
If you care about life, liberty, marriage and the family, we must now go full throttle and give this everything we've got and spend every dime we can right now.
Go to and give to the limit of $2,300 per individual and $4,600 per couple.

Get rid of all the "mathematical impossibilities" discussion you've been fed by the political pundits. In fact, let me shed a little light on just whom you've been listening to. Given recent events, I believe a more appropriate definition of pundit is in order:

pun dit
1. n. a self-declared expert who, in an effort to achieve media prominence, communicates bias, random thoughts and wild guesses with confidence and arrogance in order to convince the masses of a desired result.

2. v. to be dead wrong.

3. v. to "correct" dead wrong political opinion with more dead wrong political opinion until a certain result is reached.

For example, first they said Rudy Giuliani was the "certain" nominee. But that didn't go so well. Then there was Fred Thompson, who was the media rock star until just about the time he entered the race. Then, with the help of many who mistakenly call themselves "conservatives" and "leaders," Mitt Romney became the "shoe-in." The pundits were also the ones who declared John McCain's campaign "dead on arrival" – after all, "people were fired." The ones who should have been fired were the pundits.

But now, people are starting to see that, and through this process, new leaders are being raised up who know that God is more powerful than the pundits and the polls.

As if opposition to the campaign-finance reform gag rule weren't enough, I'm supporting Gov. Huckabee because I actually believe what we've been saying for three and a half decades: that our goal is to restore legal protection to children awaiting their birthdays, even it takes a Human Life Amendment to do it. And, Gov. Huckabee is the only candidate who shares that view.

But let me give you two more reasons why you should support Mike Huckabee: Joshua and Rachel Hubbard.These two kids were formerly frozen embryos, vulnerable to the whims of those who would experiment on them and snuff out their individual, unique, human lives.

Not only would these two kids NOT be protected under a McCain, Obama or Clinton administration, but each would force even the most pro-life taxpayer to foot the bill to kill them.In the new television ad produced by, 2-year old Joshua asks a simple yet poignant question to Sen. McCain: "What about me?"

I'll be with Gov. Huckabee today for a rally at 1 p.m. at the downtown Columbus Hyatt Regency (350 North High Street) and a rally at 4:30 p.m. at the Great Wolf Lodge in Mason, Ohio (next door to Kings Island near Cincinnati), and am traveling Ohio cities from Akron to Zanesville with Janet Huckabee on Wednesday.

Gary and Ronda Hubbard (who asked the "Snowflake baby" question at the Values Voter Debate) will be at the Cincinnati rally with their two adorable children to present Gov. Huckabee this award:

Presented to Governor Mike Huckabee,
the only candidate who stands for protecting all children,
including babies like Joshua & Rachel Hubbard,
who were once frozen embryos before being adopted.
Presented this 26th day of February, 2008, in Mason, Ohio.
Thank you, Governor Huckabee,
for your unwavering leadership for life.

And, of course, Gov. Huckabee is the only candidate who supports the Marriage Protection Amendment, too.

Yeah, it's tough. Sure it's uphill. But I want a president who won't give up when the going gets tough. The pundits didn't much care for a guy named Winston Churchill either, but thank God he "never gave up."

THIS is the moment when we must surge with every ounce of strength, money and faith that we have, keeping my home state of Ohio's motto in mind: "With God ALL THINGS are possible." And when Gov. Mike Huckabee wins in Ohio and Texas, the remaining states (and funds) will follow … while John McCain stands around with his hands in his pockets unable to spend his money because of the rules he helped create.

Is McCain Scared of Huckabee?

Gov. Huckabee has sent a formal letter asking John McCain to debate him publicly. Accompanying this letter was 10,000+ signatures showing support for such a debate. But, apparently McCain is afraid that if the public hear Huckabee in a debate against him (McCain) it would sway too many voters. Here's the article:

McCain Doubts He’ll Debate Huckabee, Keeps Sights on Obama
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
John McCain made it clear Wednesday he has little interest in holding any more debates with GOP rival Mike Huckabee before the March 4 primaries, which could push him over the numerical threshold needed for the Republican presidential nomination.

Huckabee, who is trailing McCain by more than 700 delegates, challenged the Arizona senator to debate in a letter Tuesday.

“We have a pretty hard and fast schedule,” McCain said Wednesday. “We’ve debated 16 times so we’ll examine it … but frankly I doubt it.”

Huckabee asked McCain to join him for a “Lincoln-Douglas-style debate so that voters can better understand our views on critical issues such as health care, education, energy independence, terrorism and national security.”

He noted that Obama and Hillary Clinton have had that opportunity — the two Democrats debated in Cleveland Tuesday night for their 20th and last time before March 4.
“It seems only fitting to me that Republican primary voters are offered the same,” Huckabee wrote.

McCain had said earlier in the day that his campaign never heard from Huckabee about a debate, despite the fact that Huckabee has been making the request publicly since Mitt Romney dropped out.

McCain is instead focusing on Democratic presidential front-runner Barack Obama, who traded jabs with him Wednesday over comments Obama made at Tuesday’s debate about fighting Al Qaeda in Iraq. McCain has sharpened his focus on Obama as he’s racked up victories over Huckabee, and has challenged the Illinois senator on his support of earmarks and his hedging on a pledge to use public financing in a general election.

Despite their good relations, Huckabee has said repeatedly he will challenge McCain until the GOP convention in Minnesota in September. A week ago, Huckabee defended McCain during the uproar over a New York Times article that linked him to a female Washington lobbyist.
Polls show Huckabee has not faded away in Ohio and Texas, which vote March 4.

An American Research Group poll from Feb. 23-24 showed McCain with a slim 4-point edge over Huckabee in Texas, leading 45 to 41 percent. The same group showed McCain with an 11-point lead in Ohio.

Senior staffers told FOX News that while the American Research Group polls can differ wildly at times, the crowds for Huckabee have been considerably bigger than the crowds for McCain; a sign, they say, that Huckabee is gaining formidable ground in the Lone Star state.

FOX News’ Serafin Gomez and Mosheh Oinounou contributed to this report.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Time Saver

For those of you, who like me, have 30 other blogs you like to visit.... here's my tip for the day....

1. Go to
2. sign up for a FREE account.
3. Insert all the blogs you wish to keep track of.
4. Voila!!! Each day it will let you know who all has a new post on their blog. This way you won't have to go through all 30 (or 20 or 40 or 10) blogs to see who has updated theirs!!!

I THINK Joel Byer was the one who alerted me to this fantastic invention. Anyways.... this should greatly reduce your computer time. :-)

Two New Bloggers!

Kenton joined the blogging world this past week. He's been asking for some time now but I wasn't really sure he was ready. Then it occurred to me that it would be a great Language Arts project!! So, the process so far has been this: He tells me what he wants the blog entry to be then I write it down with his help on paper. He then takes it to the computer and types it in all by himself. So far I have also been uploading pictures - which I'll probably do for awhile but he is excited about it. I doubt he'll have allot of posts until it starts getting warm outside.

Then, there is Tiffany!!! Tiffany, her husband Jeff, and their little boy, Jacob attend our church and we are so happy that they are part of our church family. Tiffany started her blog in the last month I believe.

So, go visit these two sites and welcome them if you'd like!!!

To all my Zanesville & Chillicothe Friends!!

By now you all know that I am a loyal, staunch supporter of Mike Huckabee. I truly pray God will work a miracle and that Gov. Huckabee will win. At any rate, Mike is only 4 points behind in Texas polls so there is still hope! All that to say.... Janet Huckabee will be in Zanesville tomorrow - Feb. 27th at Adornetto's on Maple Ave. at 3:00!!! She will also be at Renick's Family Restaurant, located at 47 South Paint Street in Chillicothe just prior to going to going to Zanesville at 12:00 p.m.
Be there for me!!! Tell her she and her husband have the prayers of my family. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to meet her in real life. If you've not read about her, do so today - before you meet her tomorrow. She is a very very special lady - a cancer survivor. So.... go meet her - take lots of pics and then email them to me!!!! Thanks ya'll!!!

Here is an EXCELLENT article about Mrs. Huckabee. I'd encourage you to read it.

For the rest of you Ohio friends:
Wednesday, February 27th

8:30 a.m. ET - Centerville, OH - Coffee/Meet and Greet at Panera Bread, located at 11 North Main Street.

12:00 p.m. ET - Chillicothe, OH - Lunch at Renick's Family Restaurant, located at 47 South Paint Street.

3:00 p.m. ET - Zanesville, OH - Meet and Greet at Adornetto's Pizzeria, located at 2225 Maple Avenue.

6:00 p.m. ET - Dover, OH - Coffee/Meet and Greet at Uncommon Grounds, located at 243 W. 3rd Street.

Thursday, February 28th

9:00 a.m. ET - Ashland, OH - Coffee/Meet and Greet at Goschinski's Fin, Feathers & Fur Outfitters, located at 652 Route #250 East.

Happy Birthday!

Today is Byron's mom's birthday. I think she is turning 52? You'll have to ask her. At any rate, Happy Birthday, Mom!!! You're the best mother in law I've ever had. Oh, I guess that isn't saying much. :-) All joking aside (well, at least for a sentence or two), I do have the best mother in law. I truly do not deserve her kindness or acceptance. So, on this day Mom, the day you turn (at least) 52, I hope its the best ever and a better year than last. Enjoy your day!!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Hat tip to Michelle for this little gem. I had to laugh when I read the results of mine. I don't know how accurate it is because it is DEFINATELY not how I'd describe myself. Sounds good though!! :-) So here it is:

You Are a Colon
You are very orderly and fact driven.
You aren't concerned much with theories or dreams... only what's true or untrue.

You are brilliant and incredibly learned. Anything you know is well researched.
You like to make lists and sort through things step by step. You aren't subject to whim or emotions.

Your friends see you as a constant source of knowledge and advice.
(But they are a little sick of you being right all of the time!)

You excel in: Leadership positions

You get along best with: The Semi-Colon

Have you noticed?

On Saturday afternoon, I was cleaning the boys room. They have panelling on their walls and as I reached down to pick up a toy laying next to the wall, my index finger on my dominant (right) hand shoved right down on top of a mega splinter. It was not your typical tiny piece of wood. It was about 1/2 in long (at least) and was very thick and wide. It shoved clear under the nail with nothing exposed. There was nothing that I could grab a hold of to pull it out. It was instant, excruciating pain. I immediately completely covered it with "bag balm" (remember I'm a farm girl and all farmers know that bag balm solves a multitude of evils!!). I also soaked it 2 different times in Epsom salt water. I went to bed that night with it completely covered with bag balm in hopes that between it and the Epsom salts, it would be drawn out enough by morning that I'd be able to grab a hold of it and yank it out. The pain was so intense that I could not use my index finger at all. I tried to play the piano just to see if I'd be able to and I couldn't - effectively. I prayed very hard that God would see that my request was truly not completely "me centered" - the pain was intense and I truly wanted rid of it but not being able to play on a Sunday AM is not a good thing. I woke up the next morning and guess what... God had answered my prayer. I'm not certain if He used the bag balm or the Epsom salts, but it matters not to me either way. I will say that it was just as painful coming OUT as it was GOING in!! But, its out and not infected, thank the Lord.

But, during the whole drama, the thought kept going through my mind - "I had NO idea how MUCH I depend on my index finger on my dominant hand!" The simplest tasks were all the sudden cumbersome and awkward. Turning on the ignition (OUCH! I just bumped it!), putting on my coat, washing dishes, PLAYING THE PIANO (I had no idea I used my index finger so much more than the others), doing laundry.... on and on the list could go. By Saturday evening my nerves were shot from a combination of trying to protect the offended body part and the pain of having it offended.

What about the body of Christ? What about that one who doesn't seem to be all that important yet in reality is incredibly vital to the effective fulfillment of God's call to us? Ask the Lord to show you who it is in your immediate family of God who perhaps deserves a little extra TLC today (or tomorrow, whichever is more convenient). Don't wait until they have been injured (spiritually, emotionally or physically) to doctor them and bandage them and nurse them back to health. Show them appreciation now. Trust me, I appreciate my finger so much more now that the pain is gone.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Happy Birthday to the Best Sister in the World!!

Today is Shandra's birthday!!!! Love ya bunches and bunches, Shandra!!! I'm so glad God sent you to our family.

God is in the Shadows

This is for my friend Angie.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Fantastic Speech/Sermon

This is a speech given by Gov. Huckabee to a group of pastors last year. It is fantastic. It is 42 min long so I'm sure most of you won't care to listen to its entirety but at least listen to the first 10 min. It's really really good "stuff". It is not a political speech and he isn't trying to get their votes. It was more of a speech challenging pastors and encouraging them but the truths he brought out were very rich.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I can safely say that this week has proven to be a week full of examples of God's overwhelming and undeserved goodness to me and to my family. I may, at a later time, share the events of the week, however, tonight, I just want to give Him praise for being God in the good times as well as the bad times. It is so easy to love Him and praise Him in the midst of blessings but I'm sincerely praying that when the next valley becomes my path, I will even then, still praise Him. So, tonight... here is my testimony. To God be ALL the glory. Truly, "How can I say thanks.... for things you have done for me. Things SO undeserved, yet you gave to prove your love for ME!"

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Muirs Visit

Yesterday our friends, Daryl & Marilyn Muir, came to visit. We had a LOVELY time together. The "men" (that includes Kenton) spent alot of time in the garage while Daryl finished the habitat base for Kenton's squirrel that he had mounted for him while we ladies (and Vincent) enjoyed fellowshipping in the house. We get so lonely for fellowship and it was such a joy to visit and spend time with friends who have "been there - done that". Here's a couple pics taken of Marilyn when we spent with them a few weeks ago. The picture of Daryl and Kenton was taken yesterday while they were working on the squirrel base. Once again, I was too busy being hostess to remember to take pictures. :-(

Marilyn made some delicious sugar cookies while we were at their house and she let the girls "help" by licking the spatula. The girls still talk about that!!

Daryl and Kenton hard at work

Stretching My Comfort Zone

Tomorrow night will be the first night of our Ladies Bible Studies. Our church has never done anything like this and we had several express interest so we are starting one for the ladies. We will meet each Wednesday night here at the parsonage at 7:00.

However, I need you all to pray for me. While I am IN a position of leadership as pastor's wife, I am NOT a leader by nature. I am quite content to follow and support a leader. But, I know that God has called me to do this. That said, however, I am scared to death. I am younger than all these women who are participating - young enough to be a granddaughter to most. Why in the world would they find anything I have to say worth a hill of beans? At any rate, we will be starting by studying Sarah. We are using a book written by Elizabeth George that I am totally delighting in so far. So, if you think of this very empty handed (and sometimes empty headed) Pastor's wife, please pray that God will take my nothingness and speak the truths that need to be taught to our dear ladies.

You GOTTA Try This!!

Today my friend Cindy came to my house for lunch. Because of a slight conflict in scheduling, the original plan of going out to eat together changed and she came to my house instead. BUT... I didn't have very much time to plan a nice meal. So, I got on the trusty internet (what in the world did we ever do before we had internet?!!) and I found this WONDERFUL recipe. My family LOVED it!! And, best of all, it was simple and quick. I served it with rice and/or baked potatoes. The recipe only serves 2 so I tripled it and had plenty for 5 of us with enough left over for another meal. Here it is!!

Nacho Chicken Casserole
TIME: Prep: 10 min. Bake: 25 min.
• 1 cup cubed cooked chicken
• 3/4 cup crushed nacho tortilla chips
• 2/3 cup condensed cream of chicken soup, undiluted
• 1/2 cup sliced fresh mushrooms
• 1/4 cup sour cream
• 2 tablespoons 2% milk
• 1 tablespoon chopped green chilies
• 1/2 teaspoon finely chopped jalapeno pepper, optional
• 1/4 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
• 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
In a bowl, combine the first eight ingredients. Combine the cheeses; stir half into the chicken mixture. Transfer to a 1-qt. baking dish coated with cooking spray. Sprinkle with remaining cheeses. Bake, uncovered, at 350° for 25-30 minutes or until cheese is bubbly. Yield: 2 servings.

Watch out for Babies!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Cousin's Visit

My nieces, Jennifer & Brooklyn, came to visit for a few days this week. We had so much fun!!! Anyways, we had lots of fun and took next to no pictures while they were here. A fact that I am very disappointed about. But, I did manage to get several pictures of the favorite activity of the visit. I bit the bullet and bought a bucket of little plastic bead thingys. They spent HOURS doing these little things and just loved it. I will problaby be picking up little plastic beads for the next 10 years but it was worth it. I am still trying to come up with a use for these things though. Between the 5 kids who did them, they made almost 30. I didn't get a picture of all of them but I did get several rounded up.

P.S. I didn't get a picture of Jennifer. :-(

The end results

My favorites - I will brag just a bit..... The bottom star in this picture was done by Kendra. She did it without any adult supervision or help. Well, I ironed it but she chose the colors and put them all on the frame herself. I was VERY proud of her. The other 2 were done by Kenton (the first one) and Jennifer (the sencond one).

I DID It!!!!

My neices have been here for a few days and we've been having a blast (pictures will follow soon). I was kinda dreading today though. Getting 4 ready for church (plus myself) is usually a stressful thing and the thoughts of getting 6 ready had me a bit nervous. But... I DID IT!!! I'll have to say though.... my sister has MUCH more patience than I do. Her oldest girl has 3 times as much hair as Kendra and her girl Brooklyn has 2 times as much hair as Alyssa (who is older than Brooklyn by 6 months!!). Anyways..... if I had to comb that much hair EVERYDAY - I'd have to seriously consider what my options were. At any rate.... we did it and none of us hurt anyone!!! :-) Here's proof!!

Please notice the red cool aid mustaches....... they did come off before the children went to church. As you can see, Vincent is NOT impressed with picture sessions prior to Sunday School!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

For My Husband - a Day Late

Due to many reasons, I was not able to get a Valentine's post for Byron with pictures from our past. Any that I wanted to use had to be scanned and it just didn't get done. However, I took the time today to scan a few.

Byron and I went on our first date on June 10th, 1994 and were married on June 10th, 1995. I was just out of high school and many felt we were getting married too young. However, 13 years later, I can happily say that I'd do it all over again.

On one of our very first dates - at my favorite restaurant.

Our First Valentine's Day

On a date (unknown month)

The following 2 pictures were taken on our first anniversary. We made a trip to Niagara Falls

Buy One Get One Free!!

Today while shopping at the local Dollar General, I got a real bargain!!! I purchased a package of hair twistys for my girls and got a BIG bug FREE!!!! It was made in China - the hair twistys that is. Not sure about the bug. I haven't learned how to distinguish Chinese bugs from American bugs. Check it out!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Why Mom's Live Longer

Hat tip to my friend Carol for this:

Being a MOM

Mom and Dad were watching TV when Mom said, "I'm tired, and it's getting late. I think I'll go to bed."

She went to the kitchen to make sandwiches for the next day's lunches. Rinsed out the popcorn bowls, took meat out of the freezer for supper the following evening, checked the cereal box levels, filled the sugar container, put spoons and bowls on the table and started the coffee pot for brewing the next morning. She then put some wet clothes in the dryer, put a load of clothes into the washer, ironed a shirt & secured a loose button.

She picked up the game pieces left on the table, put the phone back on the charger and put the telephone book into the drawer. She watered the plants, emptied a wastebasket and hung up a towel to dry.

She yawned and stretched and headed for the bedroom. She stopped by the desk, wrote a note to the teacher, counted out some cash for the field trip, and pulled a text book out from hiding under the chair.

She signed a birthday card for a friend, addressed and stamped the envelope and wrote a quick note for the grocery store. She put both near her purse.

Mom then washed her face with 3 in 1 cleanser, put on her Night solution & age fighting moisturizer, brushed and flossed her teeth and filed her nails.

Dad called out, "I thought you were going to bed."

"I'm on my way," she said. She put some water into the dog's dish then made sure the doors were locked and the patio light was on. She looked in on each of the kids and turned out their bedside lamps , hung up a shirt, threw some dirty socks into the hamper, and had a brief conversation with the one up still doing homework.

In her own room, she set the alarm; laid out clothing for the next day, straightened up the shoe rack. She added three things to her 6 most important things to do list. She said her prayers, and visualized the accomplishment of her goals.

About that time, Dad turned off the TV and announced to no one in particular. "I'm going to bed" and he did..without another thought.

Anything extraordinary here?

Wonder why women live longer...?

Cause we are made for the long haul .... (and we can't die sooner, we still have things to do!!!!)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

To My Husband

I Love You, Byron!

To My Friends and Family

Happy Valentine's Day!!! You all mean so much to me!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I'm Amazed

Hat tip to Jon Earls for this little clip. I'd never heard this song before but boy did it get me blessed this evening!! Oh,and I'd LOVE to sing in a choir of that size!!


Military Prepares for a Hillary Presidency

Is This Who You Want As Your Leader?

Is McCain REALLY a Republican?

Thanks to Michelle for bringing this to my attention. As Keith said, "when is the last time McCain helped out a church praise team? Governor Huckabee does a little plunking on a Southern Gospel classic."

Fire and Memories

We got word last night that the maintenance building at AWC was destroyed with fire. I immediately was flooded with memories of that building. As newly weds Byron and I spent many hours there as he worked with Wes Patterson in the maintenance department. Byron spent hours and hours working on the equipment. He totally "remodeled" the building when he first started so that it'd be more efficient as a shop. He added heat, telephone, electric, etc. He spent many evenings there so I would go up and spend time with him as he worked. The backhoe that you can see inside the burning building was the backhoe Byron rebuilt many times. We are told that AWC did have insurance on the building - $50,000.00 worth. The only thing to survive the fire was the Ford tractor that my dad and uncle donated to the school 14+ years ago. Here is the link to the Salem News pictures. My pics here aren't very big for some reason.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

In Memory- Dick Black

My great uncle, Dick Black, went on to Heaven yesterday. Dick's wife, Marjorie, is my grandfather's sister. Dick and his wife placed a high value on family and as a result their family has faithfully hosted a huge gathering each Thanksgiving. Up until 2 years ago, it was always in their home. We would have 40 or more people packed in - all enjoying being together. Dick is the first of the Wallace children's siblings spouses to pass away. There are 3 siblings - Lawrence who married Georgena (who happen to be my grandparents), Dorothy who married Bill Martin and Marjorie who married Dick Black. Dick was a farmer and according to my dad, he was out working the fields last fall - still going strong.

Here is a picture of Dick and my dad talking last year at the Thanksgiving dinner.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Thankful Thursday a day late

I apologize for being publicly thankful a day late but I figured - better late than never.

As you all have read, we've been very sick all week. ALL of us. It's been interesting and challenging. However, we are all feeling much much better. Vincent went back to school today for the first time this week. That is definately a praise. He was very happy to be going back.

Throughout this week, God has been so good to us and has sent people to help us out. So, my Thankful Thursday post is to these people:

1. Tom & Connie Rodgers: Connie fixed food for us on 2 different days. What a delight and SUCH a blessing!! We didn't have the stomach flu so we WERE hungry but Mommy just didn't have the energy or strength to fix much. Not only did she fix food on 2 different days but they made special trips to bring it to us. Thank you SO much for being so kind and helping us out in that way!!!

2. George Randal: George came and took care of our animals when we were the worst and absolultely could not get the job done. Thanks George!!!

3. Dad Gurnee: There were a couple outside issues that had to be done that Byron simply was not up to doing so Dad Gurnee drove 30 min to our house and took care of it for us. Then yesterday, Dad & Mom Gurnee drove the 30 min AGAIN to our house and brought (among other cool things) an air purifier for our house. If nothing else, psycologically, I feel better already!!! Just knowing it is ridding our trailer of "the sickness" (as Vincent calls it) has made me feel so much better!!

4. John Rausch (our neighbor): He stopped by our house earlier in the week to talk to Byron and when he found out that we were all sick he left only to return a few hours later with a big pan of soup, a loaf of bread and blueberry muffins. What a way to show you care!!

5. To the numerous ones who have emailed and let us know they were/are praying for us - Thanks so VERY VERY much.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

When Did We Forget To Add God To the Equation?

So Romney packed up his toys and went home. (Well, actually I guess he kept his toys/delegates since he simply suspended rather and quit.)

The media is scratching their head(s) trying to figure out how their "2 man race" all the sudden IS a "2 man race" but with the "wrong" 2nd man.

And McCain is already proclaiming victory.

Oh, and we conservatives? We've already started planning what life is going to be like with Obama in the White House.


I'm sitting here helping my kids with a project that they are clearly wanting to do on their own - without my help. I'm sitting here listening to them squabble and bicker because they know they aren't getting the job done as good as it could be - or even how they want it to be. I just hollered out to them (they are in the other room) and asked them if they wanted my help. Guess what they said, "No mom - we can do it ourselves!"

So, here I sit. I am totally capable of making the project perfect and right. But, because they think they can do it themselves I am not able to step in and help them.

Does that little scenario sound even vaguely familiar? Yeah. That's what I thought too. I can just see our Heavenly Father sitting up in Heaven looking down at us shaking His head. He's probably thinking something like this, "If my children would just stop trying to figure this out all by themselves and stop thinking like children - I'd be able to move mountains. But while they hurry and scurry around like frantic mice and forget to let me be in charge, I must sit back and let them try to solve their own battles."

You know, here's the thing... all conservatives can see is Hillary or Obama in the White House so they are FRANTIC to get a nominee in who would SEEM to be the better one to win against the dems. HOWEVER... what everyone seems to be forgetting is that "where seems to be no way, God can make a way". I am appalled at the lack of faith in God's power to put into leadership a moral man and one who - while not perfect - would at least be "clean".

Everyone needs to quit surrendering the battle and start fighting for goodness sakes. If you don't like McCain - FIGHT. Its not like he's the only choice.

Gov. Huckabee's campaign has been one miracle after another and its only been because of God. Surely there is some purpose behind that. Mike Huckabee joined the race because he felt God told Him too. I'm sure there will be some that will say, "yeah, that just makes it sound better for him" - but I'm willing to take him at his word. So, if God called him to run. I'm kinda thinking that perhaps it wouldn't hurt us to see if we have been called to vote for him?

It just seems so elementary to me and I can't comprehend why the CHM is giving up so early in the battle.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How Many Coyotes?

My kids have had a blast seeing who can find the most coyotes in this little clip. If you have your volume up, the sounds are fun. Can you find more than they did?

What's Happening With Our Christian Leaders?

I just ran across this article. Interesting read.


When Hillary and Obama Win the White House You Can Thank Pro-Family Leaders for Not Being Leaders

By Brannon S. Howse

'”Huckabee could guarantee McCain the nomination”' said Gary Bauer.

According to Bauer, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee's decision to stay in the GOP race threatens to derail former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney's White House bid. "... I think for a lot of Huckabee voters, they're going to have to do some soul-searching about whether or not they want to stick with their man," says Bauer, "and by doing that [they] guarantee the nomination of McCain."

Hey Gary, if you had encouraged Romney to get out of the race and had you done some soul searching and backed a 100% pro-life, pro-family candidate instead of a flip-flopping Romney, we would have seen Governor Huckabee do even better than he did on Super Tuesday.

Note to self “In the future ignore whatever Gary Bauer says.”

The bottom line is the pro-family voters showed more leadership, commitment and sense then some of our pro-family leaders.

Look at the incredible results, Huckabee achieved on Super Tuesday with little money and without the support from pro-family leaders such as James Dobson, Gary Bauer, Jay Sekulow , Tony Perkins and Pat Robertson.
Imagine what Governor Huckabee could have done if Gary Bauer, Jay Sekulow and Tony Perkins where not in the camp, by word or deed, of Johnny-Come-Lately-“pro-family”-Romney. What if Pat Robertson had not been fawning all over pro-abortion, same-sex marriage, anti-Second Amendment Mayor Giuliani?

Imagine if Dr. Dobson would have spent less time telling us who he could not vote for and instead told us why he could support Governor Huckabee with his 100% pro-life, pro-family track record.

Dr. Dobson has clearly revealed that he is tired and did not have the “want to” when it came to this presidential fight. Funny, how Dr. Dobson said this of Fred Thompson just a few months ago.

Every Presidential election is the most important in today’s world and Dr. Dobson refused to jump in with both feet and back Governor Huckabee. First Dr. Dobson told us he could not support Fred Thompson, then he said he could not support Giuliani, and I agreed with him on Giuliani. Then Dr. Dobson told us he could not support McCain. Really? Well, there is a news flash. However, by not supporting Huckabee and by putting out a statement on Super Tuesday that he could not support McCain many felt he was sending the message that he was comfortable with Romney.

The bottom line is, Dr. Dobson, Sekalow, Perkins, Bauer and Robertson should have come out early on and supported the pro-life, pro-family candidacy of Governor Huckabee. After Fred Thompson dropped out, Huckabee was the only 100% pro-life, pro-family candidate.

Thanks to a lack of leadership, we now have John McCain picking up speed to the nomination. If McCain is the nominee, true conservatives may vote but I believe hundreds of thousands will not. In a race of McCain against Hillary/Obama, I think the later wins. And who can you thank? In my humble opinion the pro-family, pro-life leaders that were neither leading nor thinking about the main thing being the main thing: A candidate with a 100% pro-life, pro-family record.

Has Romney money or Mormon money gone to any pro-family organizations over the past two years and thus compromised the discernment of some?

The bottom line is; we need new pro-family, pro-life leaders. I do want to thank Bauer, Sekulow, Perkins, Dobson and Robertson for their service to our country and the pro-family, pro-life movement. You have accomplished many good things and I thank you. However, your time has now passed and you have failed a huge test and thus I must no longer follow your lead or trust your instincts. If others can still follow you then I believe they may do so at the peril of our cause.

From now on I will take your advice, counsel, and opinion with a grain of salt because your incompetent leadership and lack of discernment during the presidential race of 2008. Your decisions seem to have largely been based upon pragmatism; which is really just another way of saying the end justifies the means.

From now on I will be looking to a group of pro-life, pro-family leaders that kept the main thing the main thing and backed Governor Huckabee. Thank you Janet Folger, Dick Bott, Don Wildmon, Tim Wildmon, Sany Rios and others.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

West Virginia Likes Mike!!

Gov. Huckabee has just won the official West Virginia Convention claiming 18 delegates.

Please spread the word to voters in the super tuesday states to turn out and vote for Gov. Huckabee!!!

Oh, and by the way.... McCain only won 1% of West Virginia's vote. ONE PERCENT!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

How to know your news anchorman is not a farmer


We're On the Way to Recovery

The drug companys are loving us!!! We were able to see our doctor (bless her heart - she will be behind the rest of the day because of us) and left with a prescription for each of us. We all have bronchitis, ear infections and strep throat. YUCK. Anyways........ I thought maybe I could start up my own pharmacy here. By the time I make the rounds and give everyone their dose of medicine I'm ready for a nap!! Honestly, I don't think I've ever been as sick as I am this time. And, I know that we've never all 6 been sick at one time. Lots of fun.

Gurnee Hospital

At this moment in my life, I am thanking the Lord that I only have 4 children and 1 husband. Ok, well, I'm ALWAYS thankful that I only have one husband, but I digress. On Saturday Vincent got sick. I simply assumed that he was having a severe asthma flair up. Well, yesterday afternoon I came down VERY sick. Couldn't even hardly stay upright. Within hours the rest of the clan got sick and we are all presently still in that state. I needed to get out of bed so I thought I'd come and ask ya'll to pray for us if you think of it. We are going to try to get into the doctor today but getting 6 in - without an appointment is going to be a challenge. At any rate, being mom means that even if you are sick you still have to tend to everyone else so its been a challenge to put it mildly.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

We are WARM!!

If you've read Byron's blog already, you know that we now have our new furnace installed and it is WONDERFUL!!! The kids rooms are actually warm for a change. Typically they are freezing even if the rest of the house is comfortable. With the old furnace we would have it set at 72 degrees and still be barely warm. With the new furnace, we have it set at 69 and we are almost TOO warm. What a wonderful wonderful blessing. And... best of all, it is using MUCH MUCH less fuel than the old one used. Anyways, we (the church) still has $650.00 to raise to finish paying for it so help us pray about that. For a bunch of pictures of the process click here.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Mama & Papa Gurnee came today to our house so that Papa could help install our new furnace. Mama arrived with a bag full of crafts for the kids to do. They spent most of the morning around the kitchen table coloring, cutting, etc. They had so much fun.

Happy Birthday, Beth!

Today my sister in law (Byron's sister) has a birthday. Happy Birthday Beth!!! Hope the coming year is full of pleasant surprises and much joy. Thanks for being such a kind sister in law.

(for pics of our evening together to celebrate Beth's birthday, see Byron's blog.)

Friday, February 1, 2008

Daddy Is So Proud

Conversation between my 3 yr old daughter and my 4 yr old daughter who were having a nice little tea party:

Kendra: This is boring.
Alyssa: Yeah. Lets go deer hunting!!!
Kendra: YEAHHHHHHH!!! Let's GO!!!

Then they went and found the binoculars and a stick and have been sneaking around the house ever since. Periodically I hear things like, "THERE HE IS!!" "BAM! I GOT HIM!! WOW! That's a HUGE rack!!" Typically they are speaking in a LOUD whisper.

So, lets see, in a few years this household will have the possibility of approximately 15 deer? I probably should start composing the waiting list of people who need venison. LOL