Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Is This Who You Want As Your Leader?

Is McCain REALLY a Republican?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, I really don't want McCain as my leader and president, but he will be a little better than Hillary or Obama. Sadly, a minority of the republican party along with independents have given him the votes and delegates to head the ticket for the republicans. Huckabee will still win a few states, but had Romney not dropped out Huckabee would still be running a distant third with Ron Paul. Huckabee went negative against Romeny but has refused to go negative against McCain. If Huckabee had also went negative and on the offense againt McCain, things maybe could have been different. Sadly, McCain and Huckabee working together through much of this process has given us McCain. But...this is how the system works!