Thursday, March 20, 2008


I am recording this primarily for my own memory sake but I am interested in the input of you all as well!!

So, about dreams. I've heard that dreams are based on past experiences or suppressed memories, etc. But I've had some whoppers of dreams that I've neither experienced OR thought about. So, not sure I agree with that reason. At any rate... here's a couple dreams I've had that were hilarious = guaranteed never to happen - and I can actually see how my mind would come up with the scenario!!

Dream 1:
I was driving down the road in an Amish buggy with all 4 of my kids. I was have a very hard time controlling the horses - as you can well imagine since I have never done anything of the kind ever in my life. The kids were not buckled in (do buggys have seatbelts?) and I was holding up traffic. We were on Peach street in Erie. Anyways... a female cop pulled me over. I handed her my license and informed her that buggys don't have vehicle registrations. She ultimately hauled the kids and I into the police station. She told me that she could fine me for not having the kids confined (seatbelts) but that she wasn't sure if the seat belt law applied to buggys. She then asked me why I was driving a buggy if I wasn't Amish. I informed her that gas prices had gotten so high that we couldn't' afford it any longer so we were traveling only by horse and buggy. She then proceeded to go have a mini meeting with her boss who came out of his office with a gift card for the local gas station. He informed me that no preacher or his family should have to travel by horse and buggy. The gift card was big enough that it would have kept our vehicle going for at least a year. LOL

So, that dream was obviously based on real life struggles - and a bit of my "wishful thinking" mixed in!!! ;-)

Dream 2:
Byron and I and our 6 kids (yes, we had 2 more in this dream) lived on a farm. We also pastored our present church. The church, house and barn were all on one huge property. Anyways, we received word that Pres. Bush and Laura were coming to visit. Pres. Bush had heard about our church and how the Lord is doing such exciting things for us and about how we are doing our building project as funds come in, etc. and he wanted to see it first hand (I'm not certain that our situation is note worthy enough to merit a visit from the President of the United States but that's beside the point....). So, they show up and surprisingly enough the are only accompanied by 2 secret service people - one of which was a female who was much more interested in my children and the meal I had fixed than she was in protecting our valiant leader. Anyways, we toured the entire farm and then the church - of which he was extremely impressed. His comment was, "So the little country church in the vale does still exist!!" At any rate, as he started to leave he turned and handed B a check that would more than cover finishing our remodeling project here at the church and said, "God bless you, your family and your church. If America had more churches like yours we wouldn't be in the mess we are in." We had our picture taken with him holding our kids and then they were gone. I woke up feeling a bit sad that it JUST been a dream. But what a nice dream!!!

Anyways.... now I'll always remember the nice dreams I have had.


Janiece said...

Those are too funny! Isn't it amazing how our brain thinks while we are asleep? I have had my share of funny dreams, some scary ones too.

Cindy said...

Can I come over when GWB comes? Please, please, please?! He should definitely meet his #1 supporter.

Carla said...

Julie, maybe the second dream was given to you for a reason. Maybe the meaning of the "6 kids" is that well. . . .

Just kidding!

Candi said...

I think it is so funny what our minds can dream up!!

If you feel like playing along, I tagged you for a meme on my blog.

The Pastor of a Small Rural Church said...

Uhhhh I find out about my wifes dreams on her blog. Weird! I thought she would tell me about them before she got up out of bed. Then again the halitosis has made me read it on here.....
LOL :evil:

PS. ROFL....Love ya honey!

Carrie said...

Those are hilarious!!

Shandra said...

*Sigh* I'm stuck with the "teeth falling out" dreams.....:-)

Woodard Family said...

Maybe you need to send a copy of your dream to President Bush. He might could squeeze you in his schedule.